How We Charge

Unlike many big transcription services, we don’t provide by-the-minute pricing, then surprise you with add-on fees for accents or for each additional speaker. Ours is based on how long we think your project will take and that’s it.

We quote you upfront based on the size of your project depending on:

We work with you

Southern California Transcription Services will provide the best and most accurate transcription service for your project and won’t stop until we get it right. Unlike other companies who will rush the job and make you pay for more, we will make sure you are happy with the end result and work with you until it is done to your liking.

In-house, never outsourced

You can talk to us directly on the phone or through email and tell us specifically what you need to meet your project specifics.

Let’s Get Started

We’d like to hear more about your individual project. Please call us for a more refined and specific quote.

Get In Touch